New Website – New Us!

We’ve got a new look, and we’re finally ready to share it…

Our new website has now been unveiled and we’re hoping it means we can be a bit more sociable!

Preview of the new BetterWebSpace siteWorking on our own projects and sites always has to fit in around client work, and when we’re so busy it means our own projects take a back seat. That means this new website has been around for a while internally here but we’ve only managed to put the finishing touches to it recently and get it to a point where we’re happy to show it to the world.

We’re really pleased with it, it’s a responsive design meaning you should find it changes quite a bit if you’re on a mobile device (you can always request the desktop version if you want to see the pretty bits!).

Responsive for us isn’t just about making it look good at lower resolutions (or having a separate mobile site – something we can’t stand!). As programmers we believe it should just look right at a low screen resolution, it should perform well as well – for us it’s about download speed and processing so you should find we’ve trimmed a lot of the content down to speed things up when you’re on a smaller device.

More Sociable?

We’ve not been great at this, but we want to show off our new look – so expect to see a bit more of us on this blog and social media in the coming months.


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